What We Can Do for You

Highly Customizable Plan Designs
Multi-layered Network Design
Drug, Formulary and MAC Management
Parallel Adjudication

Member and Eligibility Tools
Claims and Accumulators
Data, Insights and Reporting
Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable
3-Pronged Data Integration Approach (UI, API, DB)

Web-based with Intuitive UX/UI
Screens Designed With the Support Teams in Mind
Automated File Loading and Transferring
Customer 360 Call Assist

Fraud Waste and Abuse Monitoring
Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable
Retail Network Rental
Underwriting Support
MAC Management
Rebate Management
Copay Assistance
PBM Consulting Services

Plan Design Services
Claim Routing Services
Customer 360 Call Assist
API Connectivity
TPA Connectivity – Eligibility and Accumulator Expertise
Member Portal
Claims Adjudication

Mail and Specialty Pharmacy
Formulary Management
Clinical Pharmacists
Prior Authorization Criteria
Automated Prior Authorizations
CoverMyMeds and Surescripts